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Tour Type

Daily Tour

Group Size

1 person



About this tour


Early breakfast and drive to Nairobi National
park. Here we will start our photography in
the parking area where encounter White
headed barbets, Brown backed barbet, Spot
flanked barbet, Green backed honeybird,
Bronzy sunbird, the entry into the bushy areas
will enable us photograph Variable sunbird,
Yellow breasted apalis, Tawny flanked prinia,
Tropical boubou, Singing cisticola, White
browed scrub robin, White eyed slaty
flycatcher, African moustached warbler, Red collared widowbird, Winding cisticola, Stout
cisticola, Purple grenadier, Little bee-eater. The water pools enable us take pictures of Longtoed lapwing, Blacksmith lapwing, Spur-winged lapwing, Black crake, African rail, Common
moorhen, Black headed heron, Grey heron, Great egret, Intermediate egret, little egret,
Reed cormorant, African darter and more while the grasslands will provide Crowned
lapwing, Yellow necked spurfowl, Shelley’s francolin, Black bellied bustard, White bellied
bustard, Rosy breasted longclaw, Cuckoo-finch,Rufous naped lark, Red capped lark, the
acacia scrubs will provide Northern pied babbler, Black winged kite, Gabar and Shikra, Augur
buzzard and more. We will break the birding here into two: a morning section and and an
afternoon section, after we have taken lunch. We will be back at the lodge at 5:30 PM

Early breakfast and drive to Amboseli, we
expect to be there by 11 AM, upon entry
we will enlist Eastern pale chanting
goshawk, Pygmy falcon, Kori bustard,
Secretary bird, Tawny eagle, White backed
vulture, Lappet faced vulture etc. A drive
along the fresh water will enable us get
pictures of Red billed duck, Blue billed
duck, White faced and Fulvous whistling
duck, African white backed duck, African
jacana, Greater painted snipe, though this
would be a time in the day when light isn’t
good for photography, we may have few good shots. We will check in to Oltukai lodge and
later lunch and after rest and when the heat has lowered a bit we will the drive around the
park for better snaps of water birds. Amboseli also has game that we can get closer for
pictures. We will be back at dusk to the lodge

Early breakfast and a drive around the park for
pictures of Greater and Lesser flamingos, Goliath
heron, Purple heron, Saddle-billed stork, Doublebanded courser, Southern ground hornbill, Taveta
golden weaver and more before we come for
lunch and later drive back to Nairob

Tour's Location

Start Nairobi- Day 1